Visiting the big apple, New York city


New York or better known as the Big Apple is surely one place that is on every travel to do list of every person in the world! This incredible city is home to over 19 million people and is a very popular tourist destination seeing over 50 million visitors each year, making it the number 1 tourist destination. New York is one of the fashions, financial and sightseeing capitals of the world offering a chance to see numerous famous landmarks and an insight into the big city culture. If you thought the hustle and bustle of London was exciting enough then heading to New York will excite you even more with more hustle and weaving through cars crossing five lanes of traffic instead of two.

New York may seem quite daunting to start with but due to its grid system, which is relatively easy to understand how to play casino games, you will be shooting round town in no time. As you can imagine, when visiting the city that never sleeps there are a number of incredible attractions and places to visit but as we are short of time on our trip there and 48 hours is all we can spare, here are my top pick of places to put on your to do list.

The Statue of Liberty

Surprisingly enough, top of the list is the Statue of Liberty and you can try to argue against it being top, but let’s be honest there is no argument to be had! Standing over 150 ft tall, the Statue of Liberty has become one of the most recognized landmarks in the world. Not only can you head to the top of this incredible piece of architecture but you when you get there you can enjoy unbelievable views across the harbor and ocean below and of course the city itself.

Central Park

When in America and New York it would be wrong not to head over to probably the biggest park in the world, Central Park. If like me you are from the UK, you may want to finally enjoy some much-deserved sunshine and hangout in the park enjoying all of the open air and shadowy trees. Millions of people flock to Central Park every year and who can blame them, with the option to partake in many sporting activities and even head over to the Public Theatre, Central Park is sure to keep even the grumpiest of travelers happy.

Empire State Building

Whether you are on a returning visitor you are in New York for the first time, a visit to this online casino australia for real money is must and visit to the Empire State Building is also must surely be near the top of your list. Up until the erection of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Empire State building was the tallest building in the world. Heading up this 86-story building will open you to amazing views from its observation deck where you can see the great New York skyline in all its glory.


You have one night in New York so you have no excuse not to go out and enjoy the nightlife where you can head to one of the Big Apple’s many bars, clubs and restaurants. There are always great nights to be had heading to a club where you will always be sure to be raving to one of the world’s superstar DJ’s or to a bar where most locals embrace a new member in their bar. Be sure to remember that the drinking age in New York is 21, so if you are a young traveler or on your gap year, you may have to spend this one night sober.


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